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I very much like the aesthetics of the game! The concept as well, is very intriguing. I also was not able to diffuse the bomb haha. Though I do see you included a tutorial in the description which is nice. Great job!

Thank you for your comment, yes for a begginer some of the minigames are hard to understand so we decided to include a tutorial in the description for those who couldn't pass the game, thank you <3


Wow! This is really cool. Really good job, feels very fleshed out. However I am still an idiot and no amount of solid game design will help that. 

Super interesting, and really well put together - love the aesthetic. I will come back and attempt to finish it - good job! 

Thank you for you comment, it is hard in the fist time but I think when you understand all the puzzles you can do it in great time, also when you come back if you need help there is tutorials for each minigame in the description and you can check my speed run video too


omg, how did you do this much, this is like a full game :D

Coffe and a bad sleep schedule xD! Thank you so much


cool concept though its a little beyond me. still enjoyed it a bit though. sadly I wasn't able to defuse the bomb

Thank you for your comment, it happens xD, if you need help there is a tutorial for each phase on the game description and if you want there's the link to my speedrun there too, you can learn from that how to pass some phases